Wednesday 19 November 2014


Tradition preserve corpses or known by the term mummy is often done by the Egyptians. However, a tribe in Papua New Guinea also has a similar ancient tradition that is the tradition of preserving corpses.

Is Anga tribe in Papua New Guinea has an ancient tradition to preserve dead bodies technique is quite unique and terrible is to bloat first corpse before burial and then put away in a steep cliff.

It makes people can see a row of corpses with flushed body hanging on the cliff. Although spooky but actually this tradition is the highest form of respect made by Anga tribe against the dead. Anga tribe already doing this practice for hundreds of years in the highlands of Morobe.

The process itself is complex. They did so with careful and thorough. First of all, knees, elbows and feet slashed corpses and body fat dried corpse. After the perforated bamboo inserted into the abdomen to drain blood out corpse.

Later blood was applied to the hair and skin of the relatives of the deceased. Anga tribes believe this ritual will move the force who died on surviving relatives. While the rest of the liquid that comes out of the bodies are stored as a cooking oil.

Furthermore, the eyes, mouth and anus corpse sewn so that air does not enter into the bodies so that no decay. While the soles of the feet, tongue and hands cut corpses to be presented to the surviving spouse. Then the rest are thrown into a fire pit for smoked.
Once smoked, the mummified body coated with clay and red clay and then displayed on the cliff wall. To clay as a natural cocoon to protect the bodies from damage. The mummy is in Morobe recorded 200 years old and were from the World War II era.

Furthermore, in line with the changing times and the coming of Christianity to Papua New Guinea, this mummification process is not done anymore. They've done it Christian burial.
Papua New Guinea itself is also forbidden in 1975 after independence. However there are some tribes in the remote villages are still doing this ritual.


Muhammad Qaisar Mehmood said...
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Muhammad Qaisar Mehmood said...

Can I copy these images